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15 Subtle Signs That Hint Your Husband Is Cheating With a Coworker

Do you suspect your husband is cheating with a coworker? Affairs between work colleagues have become a fact of life lately. It might be that you feel something suspicious about your husband. Thus, identifying the signs that he’s cheating with a coworker can help you figure out what to do to work through your relationship. For instance, you may find him getting bored in bed, working up late, displaying an unusual lust, or even trying out new positions with you he’s never done before. These are just some hints that he could be cheating on you. According to a survey, when 1,000 individuals were asked if they cheated on their partner with a coworker, 22% of men admitted to getting involved with an office colleague. So, it is not so common, but it happens. Here are some subtle signs your husband is cheating with a coworker!